Welcome to Our New Web Site!

I have one word: Phoenix. Out of the ashes rises our new web site. In 2003, we employed the services of a server company. We placed all of our web resources on these remote servers. All went well until the end of last year (2016). We began receiving rumblings that our server company was about to be sold to a much larger server company. Then the axe fell. We began receiving email messages indicating that all of our web resources would have to be moved to new servers. In addition, the move would have to take place with little to no help from the new company. To make matters worse, the move would have to take place in very short order.

I immediately called a local server company and they agreed to move all of our data from our old remote servers to servers right here in Albuquerque. So, thankfully, all of our data was successfully transferred before the “lights out” deadline. Unfortunately, some of our web resources (like our old WordPress web site) would not play nicely with the new, modern servers. Clearly software needed to be updated. Heck, we started our WordPress site back in 2011. Six years is eons in computer technology time (a bit like dog years).

So, all of this is a good thing in a “mixed blessing” kind of way. Our goal moving forward is to try to keep things as simple as possible. Translation: I don’t want to spend too much time learning new software. If I can get it up and running, and it looks reasonably good, that’ll work. One nice benefit of all of this: our new web site will be “responsive”: the web site will reconfigure itself depending on the device you are using—computer, tablet, smartphone. Neat, eh? So as they say, forgive our dust as we rise again from the ashes!