
Use this menu item to access the Foundation’s two Legacy sites:

  • The Minka Scholarship Program—Here you will find more information on the Foundation’s Minka Scholarship Program designed to provide support to graduate students who are pursuing a career in one of the field sciences such as marine biology and field geology.
  • The Bowlby Less Traveled Blog—Back when the Foundation had a focus on Bowlbian attachment theory, the Bowlby Less Traveled (BLT) blog was our main way of disseminating information concerning Bowlby’s theory. We still post new blog articles to BLT but on a less frequent schedule—generally when something that pertains to Bowlby’s theory pops up on the radar screen. If you see a Bowlby related article or book, let us know by using the Contact menu item.

Note: Once you are over at either legacy site, you can return to the Foundation’s main site by clicking on our logo (or clicking your heels twice).